A national effort to help more people become homeowners.

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Our goal is to help guide 5000 people on their journey to homeownership.

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Portrait of family in front of their new house

Combating a history of housing discrimination

Providing resources, guidance, and financial assistance to increase homeownership among communities that have historically experienced barriers to homeownership.

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What Can I Afford?

Are you ready to take the next step towards owning a home? Find out if you meet certain eligibility requirements for financial assistance. 

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Equity and Advocacy

Housing inequities still exist in our region. Having more information can help you advocate for yourself and your community. 

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Latest Past Events

Homebuyer Education – Sandra M Chavez

VHC I - Henrico I VHC I - Henrico I

Reach for Your Dreams in Virginia Housing’s Free Homebuyer Class! Are you thinking about buying a home, but not sure where to start, or if you're ready financially? Virginia Housing's

Homebuyer Education – Teresa Quiroz

Mount Vernon Recreation Center Mount Vernon Recreation Center

Reach for Your Dreams in Virginia Housing's Free Homebuyer Class!  Are you thinking about buying a home, but not sure where to start, or if you're ready financially? Virginia Housing's

Homebuyer Education- Sierra Sallah

Dumas Center Dumas Center

Reach for Your Dreams in Virginia Housing's Free Homebuyer Class!  Are you thinking about buying a home, but not sure where to start, or if you're ready financially? Virginia Housing's